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Teza Doors & Windows Glass Options

Teza Doors & Windows Glass Options

  • Clear Glass (1/4” 5mm)

Regular clear glass, often found in traditional doors and windows, offers transparency and visibility while allowing natural light to flood interior spaces. Its simplicity and versatility make it a popular choice in a variety of architectural styles and settings. While lacking specialized features like low emissivity coatings or multiple layers, clear glass provides an unobstructed view of the surrounding environment and creates a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor spaces. However, it's worth noting that clear glass does not offer significant insulation properties, meaning it may contribute to heat gain in summer and heat loss in winter. Nonetheless, its timeless appeal and affordability continue to make it a staple in architectural design, serving as a canvas for both functional and aesthetic purposes. It's available on all Teza Doors & Windows products in situations where codes allow its use. See your local code official for requirements in your area.

  • Insulation Glass (Online)

Insulation glass, a cutting-edge solution in modern building design, integrates low emissivity (low-e) properties directly into the glass composition rather than simply applying a coating. This innovative approach enhances the glass's performance and durability while delivering superior thermal insulation benefits. During summer, insulation glass efficiently blocks the sun's heat from infiltrating the interior, maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature, and reducing the need for excessive air conditioning. Conversely, in winter months, the glass effectively prevents indoor heat from escaping to the exterior, helping to conserve energy, and ensuring a cozy living environment. By seamlessly regulating temperature fluctuations year-round, insulation glass represents a sustainable and efficient solution for architectural projects aiming to optimize comfort and energy efficiency.

  • Two Layers Low-E Glass:

Two-layer low emissivity (low-e) glass offers a balance between energy efficiency and passive solar heating, making it an excellent choice for homes seeking to optimize both comfort and sustainability. During colder months, the glass allows a controlled amount of solar heat to enter the home, contributing to passive heating and reducing reliance on heating systems. In winter, the low-e coating reflects interior heat back into the house, minimizing heat loss through windows and helping to maintain a cozy indoor environment. Additionally, this type of glass provides effective protection against harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, blocking 70% or more of UV radiation. By combining thermal insulation with UV blocking properties, two-layer low-e glass not only enhances energy efficiency but also helps to safeguard interior furnishings and occupants' health.

  • Four-Layer Low-E Glass:

Four-layer low emissivity (low-e) glass is a highly effective solution for maintaining consistent indoor temperatures while enhancing energy efficiency in residential and commercial buildings. By incorporating multiple layers of specialized coatings, low-e glass is designed to reflect interior heat back into the home during colder months, minimizing heat loss through windows and ensuring a comfortable living environment. Conversely, during warmer seasons, the glass helps to block external heat from entering, thus reducing the need for excessive air conditioning, and maintaining a cool interior atmosphere. Furthermore, the low-e coatings also act as a barrier against harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can cause fading and damage to interior furnishings and fabrics. This combination of thermal insulation and UV protection makes four-layer low-e glass an ideal choice for sustainable and comfortable building design.


  • Triple Panel Glass

An extra pane of glass helps keep more heat in and cold air out, making this our most energy efficient glass option. Three-pane glass, often utilized in modern windows and doors, offers exceptional soundproofing benefits due to its unique construction. Each pane of glass is separated by an air gap, effectively creating a buffer zone that dampens sound waves passing through. Additionally, the thickness and density of the glass panes further absorb and block sound transmission, reducing outside noise infiltration into interior spaces. This multi-layered approach to soundproofing makes three-pane glass an excellent choice for environments where minimizing noise disturbance is essential, such as homes, offices, or urban areas near busy streets.


On-line VS

  • Off-line Low E Coating:

Online glass represents a significant advancement in insulation technology, seamlessly integrating low emissivity (low-e) properties directly into the glass composition rather than relying on surface coatings. This innovative manufacturing process ensures that the low-e functionality is inherent to the glass itself, providing long-lasting performance benefits. By embedding low-e properties within the glass, online glass enhances thermal insulation, effectively blocking heat transfer and maintaining consistent indoor temperatures year-round. Unlike traditional coatings that may degrade over time, the low-e properties of online glass are expected to endure indefinitely, offering durable and reliable energy efficiency for the lifespan of the glass.

  • Off-line Low E Coating:

Low emissivity (low-e) glass is renowned for its ability to maintain consistent indoor temperatures by effectively blocking heat transfer. During winter, low-e glass acts as a barrier, preventing cold temperatures from infiltrating the interior while retaining warmth generated within the house. However, it's essential to note that over time, the low-e properties of the glass may gradually diminish. Factors such as exposure to sunlight, environmental conditions, and general wear and tear can contribute to the fading of the low-e coating.