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UCCLINIC Toronto's Premium Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatment Clinic



Despite our best efforts with proper diet and exercise, we still might find ourselves struggling to achieve the specific look we’re working towards. Even with hard work, various other factors such as overall health and genetics might contribute to difficulty in shaping your body to what you desire.

Unique Cosmetic Clinic provides CoolSculpting fat removal treatments that specifically target those stubborn fat deposits. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat-targeting treatment that is used throughout the world by top cosmetic experts. In conjunction with proper diet and exercise, CoolSculpting treatments can help you slim down and look your absolute best.

Benefits of CoolSculpting

Non-invasive Treatments:

No Needles or Knives!

No Downtime or Recovery


Only Treats Unwanted


Up to 20% Reduction in

One Session

Our Services

About Our Clinic

The team at Unique Cosmetic Clinic team have over a decade of experience in administering non-surgical cosmetic treatments. During your first visit, we’ll sit down with you and discuss your goals and concerns. From there, we’ll work together to develop a personalized treatment plan that best suits you!

Meet the Team

Financing for Unique Cosmetic Clinic Treatments is Available!

Meet the New You

Our treatments are the best option for those looking to enhance their natural features without the hassle of downtime and surgery. Enter your email below to get started on your rejuvenation journey!

Don't miss out on your discounted treatment!